Einstein Charter Schools, which include Sherwood Forest, Village de l'Est, Einstein Middle School, and Sarah T. Reed High School, utilize the EnrollNOLAPS system for student admissions. You can find applications at https://enrollnolaps.com.
For details about K-12 Open Enrollment, the application process, and seat availability, please visit the EnrollNOLAPS website at https://enrollnolaps.com.
To apply in person, visit the school, where a school Registrar can help you. Be sure to list your desired Einstein Charter School (Sherwood Forest, Village de l'Est, Einstein Middle School, or Sarah T. Reed High School) on your OneApp application.
Important Notes:
If your child is already attending an Einstein Charter School and you wish for them to continue, you DO NOT need to submit a OneApp application.
According to EnrollNOLAPS, each applicant will receive only one offer, irrespective of the number of applications submitted. Only the latest application is considered in the matching process.
For help regarding registering to one of the Einstein schools, please email help@einsteincharterschools.com or call the school!

Sherwood Forest Elementary
Jessica Pham, Registrar
Phone: 504-503-0110
Einstein Middle School
Malinda Ly, Registrar
Phone: 504-503-0470
Village de l'Est Elementary
Christian Williams, Registrar
Phone: 504-503-0110
Sarah T. Reed High School
Shannon Young, Registrar
Phone: 504-503-0749