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Hand Sanitation

"The Greatest Wealth is Health"- Virgil

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Medication Policy

A student who is taking prescribed medication during the school day must have authorized medication administration information on file in the office and with the school nurse. The form outlines the process for dispensing medication that parents and a student's physician must complete, sign, and return to the school before any prescribed medication may be administered to a student while on school campus.


Students should never be in possession of medication of any kind. Asthma medication may be carried by the student with written documentation from the physician and on file with the school nurse. School nurses or trained school employees are allowed to administer auto-injectable epinephrine to a student who the school nurse or trained school employee, in good faith, believes is having an anaphylactic reaction whether or not such student has a prescription for epinephrine. Breathe sprays/sheets, scented lotions, and colognes pose a health threat and are not permitted at school.



The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety and well-being of students with severe allergies at Einstein Charter Schools. This policy outlines the procedures for the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors (Epi-pens) to manage anaphylactic reactions on school premises, during school-related activities, and during transport to and from school.



  • Epi-pen: A brand of epinephrine auto-injector used to treat severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). 

  • Anaphylaxis: A severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention.


1. Authorization and Documentation

  • Parental Consent: A written authorization from the student’s parent or guardian is required for the student to carry and self-administer an Epi-pen.

  • Physician’s Prescription: A prescription from a licensed physician or authorized prescriber is required, specifying the necessity of the Epi-pen and the conditions under which it should be administered.

  • Individual Health Plan (IHP): The school nurse, in collaboration with the parent/guardian and physician, will develop an Individual Health Plan for students with severe allergies. This plan will include specific instructions for the use of an Epi-pen.


2. Authorization and Documentation

  • Staff Training: All school personnel, particularly those responsible for student supervision, will receive annual training on recognizing the signs of anaphylaxis, the proper administration of an Epi-pen, and emergency response procedures.

  • Student Training: Students authorized to carry an Epi-pen will receive appropriate instruction on how to self-administer the medication and will be encouraged to inform an adult immediately after use.


3. Storage and Accessibility

  • Epi-pen Storage: Epi-pens must be stored in a secure yet easily accessible location in the school, such as the nurse’s office. A backup Epi-pen will be kept on site for each student with a prescription.

  • Student-Carried Epi-pens: Students who are authorized to carry an Epi-pen must have it with them at all times, including during school-sponsored activities and on the school bus.


4. Emergency Procedures

  • Immediate Action: In the event of a suspected anaphylactic reaction, the staff member will:

    1. Administer the Epi-pen immediately, according to the training received.

    2. Call 911 to request emergency medical services.

    3. Notify the school nurse, if available, and the student’s parent or guardian as soon as possible.

  • Follow-up Care: The student will be monitored continuously until emergency medical personnel arrive. The used Epi-pen will be given to the paramedics or disposed of according to medical waste procedures.


5. Liability Protection

  • Good Faith Administration: School personnel who administer an Epi-pen in good faith, in accordance with this policy and training, will be protected from liability under Louisiana law.


6. Review and Compliance

  • Annual Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the school administration and nurse to ensure compliance with state laws and the latest medical guidelines.

  • Compliance Monitoring: The school nurse will monitor compliance with this policy and report any issues or updates to the school administration.


7. Communication and Awareness

  • Parent/Guardian Notification: Parents/guardians will be informed of this policy at the start of each school year and whenever changes are made.

  • School Community Awareness: Information about managing allergies and anaphylaxis will be provided to the school community through newsletters, the school website, and informational sessions.

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