Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Einstein that no applicant, client and/or employee of Einstein shall on the basis of Race, Gender, Religion, Creed, Color, National Origin, Political Affiliation, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Handicap, Age or any other non-merit factor, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or other-wise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, which Einstein operates or is applying for funding.​ No person on the grounds of Race, Gender, Religion, Creed, Color, National Origin, Political Affiliation, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Handicap, or Age shall be subjected to discrimination, or be denied employment in connection with any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.​ No persons with responsibilities in the operation or administration of a program or activity because of Race, Religion, Creed, Color, National Origin, Sex, Political Affiliations, Disability or Age.​
Mandatory Reporting Policy
All individuals involved in teaching, training, or supervising a child are required to report any situation where they have reason to believe that a child’s physical or mental health or welfare is at risk due to abuse or neglect. This report must be made to the appropriate authorities immediately.​
The Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) toll-free hotline:
1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437)
For more information, go to the DCFS​​​​​​​ website.
Public Custodian of Records
My Tran
Executive Director of Human Resources
Email Public Records Requests or mail/deliver requests to: My Tran, 4801 Maid Marion Drive, New Orleans, LA 70128
Archived Records
Board Policies
Board Documents
Website Accessibility Statement
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Public Notice of Asbestos Management Plan
Einstein Title IX Policy
Mandatory Reporting Hotline
Student Seclusion and Physical Restraint
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) School Food Service Section
ECS Employee Handbook 2023-24
School Student and Family Handbooks​
School Student and Family Handbooks (SPN)
School Student and Family Handbooks(VIET)
Special Education Parent FAQs
Report Bullying
Parent Involvement Policy (SPN)
Parent Involvement Policy (VIET)
23-24 Ready to Achieve Plan
23-24 Transportation Plan
Transportation Change Request
Einstein Charter Schools Audit Report
Anaphylaxis (Severe Allergic Reaction) Policy
Pupil Progression Plan (PPP) 2023-24
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Proposed Budge
Parents' Bill of Rights in Louisiana School
Einstein Charter School's Wellness Policy
RFP for Food Services
Einstein Charter Schools- Village De L'est Literacy Plan
Einstein Charter Schools- Sherwood Forest Literacy Plan
23-24 ECS Continuous Learning Plan
23-24 ECS School Calendar​
- ​Covid-19 Vaccination Policy
23-24 Emergency Operations Plan
Einstein encourages students and parents/guardians to discuss their concerns and complaints through an informal conference with the appropriate teacher, staff member, assistant principal, or other school personnel. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution with the parties involved. In the case that the student or parent/guardian is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal conference, the student or parent may initiate the formal process. At this time, they may submit a formal grievance in writing to the Principal. The formal written grievance must be submitted to the School Leader within ten (10) days of the incident or matter. The School Leader will then look into the grievance and claims to determine the appropriate action, notify the person submitting the grievance in writing.The grievance policy can be found on page 11 of the student handbook.